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Research accelerator and designer production equipment for plants

      FarmCube brings modulables farms with high yield as well as consumables and software needed for the production of fruits, vegetables and aromatics with unmatched taste and nutritive qualities.

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Thanks to our patented technology...

An aeroponic culture chamber in a closed enclosure. 

Climate and nutrition entirely controllable. 

To experiment or produce 12 months of the year.

... our SaaS monitoring system ... 

Farm3.0, a cloud developed by Farm3 and designed for your teams, allows a constant monitoring and control of the state of the plants inside the growing rooms.

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... our phenotyping sensors ... 

Our culture chambers are equipped with all the most efficient phenotyping sensors.

Hyperspectral imager, 3D vision, Electrophysiology, AI and robotics

... and our mastered expertise!

Our expert and committed teams of agronomists and engineers support you throughout your project to provide you with the solutions that meet your needs.

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Farm3 takes care of everything

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Identification of the problem and implementation of the experiment.

Installation Simulation

Simulation of an industrial installation ensuring economic and ecological profitability.

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Plant Facility

Deployment of a turnkey plant factory, securing your supply of plant material.

Our News

Our Partners

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You have a production or research project: we can help you.

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  • Who are the research services aimed at?
    Research services meet the needs of companies and research laboratories using plants. Our research services make it possible to study and/or accustom plants to specific conditions that meet the needs of the client.
  • How do you develop resistance in plants?
    By influencing the plant's growth parameters (climate and nutrition) we can direct its development in one direction and influence the quantity of molecules of interest produced: resistance molecule, aromas, taste, biomass … The protocol put in place to develop the resistances is then saved in our software and we are able to redeploy it in production installations.
  • Does Farm3 use GMOs?
    Farm3 does not use or create GMOs. The plant optimization that we operate does not modify the genetic code of the plant. We cannot make it create a molecule that does not exist in its genome, but we can direct the quantity produced of an existing molecule. A plant is able to learn from its environment, in particular the mechanisms that allowed it to survive. It stores this information in its epigenome.
  • Does Farm3 only work off-ground?
    off-ground farming is very relevant for our research (root analysis, limitation of uncontrolled external stresses) and for our industrial production tools (water saving, limitation of soil contaminants, installation outside arable areas ). On the other hand, we are able to work in the ground, in greenhouses or in the open fields/forest/plot: - To complete our study with field studies - To give you the best advice on your production equipment according to your plant of interest (some plants will be more productive if they start above ground and end their growth in a greenhouse, for example)
  • Can you also develop equipment or software related to agronomy?
    Yes! we have a team of agronomists and software, robotics and mechatronics experts who work together to design tools and software dedicated to plants. If agronomic research is not necessarily the heart of your problem, we can develop applications, tools, machines and even robots that meet your needs. On the other hand, we only work on projects where the plant is at the heart of the project as it is our area of expertise.
  • How long should I plan for an experiment?
    The experiments are tailor-made so depend on your problem.We will first define with you an experimental plan which will allow us to answer your problem. You will then have all the necessary metrics, time and cost, to make your decision or review the project with us. In general, it is necessary to count at least the growth time of the plants which allow us to obtain a result: this can result in several growth cycles. On the other hand, because we have several phenotyping machines, we can speed up the process by parallelizing the growth conditions.
  • What is the budget needed for a typical experiment?
    The budget will be broken down as follows: Time occupied by plants in our phenotyping machines + man time needed to carry out agronomic measurements and their interpretation + additional equipment required (special sensors, computer subscription to AI partners, etc.) in proportion to their use for your experiment It is therefore the duration and complexity of your experience that will determine its price. The more complete the experience, the more robust and usable the results will be, ranging from a feasibility study to a dedicated application that can be used by your teams. All this is defined together before starting anything, you have a right to look in total transparency on the modalities of the experiment, contact us now so that we can help you.
  • I am a research institute, can I buy your research equipment?
    Farm3 does not market its phenotyping machines, however we are fond of subsidized collaborative projects, helping doctoral students or in any other way to support public research and move it forward, do not hesitate to contact us. subscribe to our newsletter to be aware of thematic days and contact us for more information. If you have a research center project that could be equipped with a Farm3 phenotyping machine, do not hesitate to contact us specifically for this need, we will be happy to study this offer.
  • What do you mean by turnkey plant?
    For plant production deployment, Farm3 starts and stops where you need it. We can help you choose the land, the building, the implementation of green energy, the software and equipment for energy optimization and water management and of course the design, manufacture and commissioning of all plant production equipment. We already work with many industrial service providers in all the areas mentioned, which places us at the center of your project and as the only privileged interlocutor. We can also respect your processes in place and insert just the necessary equipment within your operating chain, this is the tailor-made offer.
  • Why a tailor-made factory?
    There is no standard equipment that can address all plant sectors and do so by optimizing the inputs necessary for its operation (energy, water, nutrients, labor, etc.) while ensuring the yield and the highest possible quality. At Farm3 we choose to address only markets that are looking for the best quality and that are ready to invest in the future of their business. If some of our equipment has been standardized, we will assess your needs in terms of growth conditions and therefore the necessary equipment and software during the feasibility stage. Your installation will be unique and will specifically solve your problems.
  • How much space will I need? Is an existing infrastructure required?
    We can imagine a project in an existing space as well as on empty land, we can even help you find the right land. The space required is entirely dependent on your need in terms of yield and the type of plants as well as the maturity of the plant desired for your activity. It can start with 100m2 projects and expand to 5000m2 factories.
  • How much does a plant plant cost?
    There are so many parameters that come into play that it is impossible to answer without discussing them together and without starting with a feasibility step. Fortunately, Farm3 is an expert in defining these parameters. Tell us about your project, your market, etc. and we can arrange an appointment to estimate a total project.
  • What type of plants can I expect to grow in my Farm3 plant?
    There is no limitation on the type of plants. For example, today our facilities are not conducive to tuber growth, but if it were relevant for a client, we would have no trouble redefining the mechatronic needs of this plant and proposing engineering work to design a machine that optimizes tuber growth.Today our equipment is particularly effective for the growth of leafy plants, roots, flowering plants, nursery plants (young trees, young berry plants). Discover some of our applications in the "Solutions" tab of our website.
  • Do I have to do an experimentation step obligatorily?
    Yes, this one could be short in case of simple problem, but each equipment is unique and designed for you. We must also define the specifications of your needs and configure your future software through the feasibility phase.
  • Who operates the factory?
    Farm3 deploys installations and can train your teams or help you recruit operators. Farm3 also ensures the software and technical maintenance of the installation. On the other hand Farm3 does not intervene directly in the operation of the equipment, the knowledge related to the production and the sale of plants remain your expertise.
  • How long should you plan for the deployment of production machines?
    Depending on the size of your installation, it takes between 6 months and 2 years for a large-scale deployment.
  • I am a nurseryman/farmer, is your equipment complementary to mine?
    Yes! the off-ground allows fantastic collaborations with the greenhouse or the field, it is very interesting to define projects where our machines enter your process to improve it, accelerate it or make it more reliable. We can prove all this by the feasibility study.
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