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Farm3 at the UN Forum

Dernière mise à jour : 18 janv. 2024

On July 18, in New York, Romain Schmitt had the honor of presenting Farm3 and its aeroponic growing chamber to the UN Forum at the Environment Summit. Farm3 was selected from among four other innovations to represent France at the United Nations contributory conference. This selection was made by the 2030 Commission of the Open Diplomacy Institute, an institution that promotes the conditions for sustainable peace and a desirable future for generations to come.

Farm3 is proud to respond to these challenges, and it was an honor to represent France at the UN Forum.

Following Romain Schmitt's presentation of Farm3 at the UN Forum, the newspapers Les Echos, La Tribune, Maddyness, Manager and Le journal du palais published articles dedicated to the event. These articles highlighted Farm3 role as the innovation selected to represent France.

At the same time, Farm3 was presented on France 3 (BFC) and France 2 (national). The article highlights the company as a whole, paying particular attention to the FarmTree project, which was exhibited at the UN Forum.

The article in Les Echos :

The article in Le Journal du Palais :

The article in La Tribune :

The article in Maddyness :

The article in Managers :

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